Well sometimes things are just the right thing at the right time, and everything lines up for you. Well with the assistance of my good friend Dave Keefe, who has committed to running whatever it is we’re creating, full time, I’m ready to share it with his close friend who’s the Principal of McDonough Elementary School, Ken DiBenedetto. Mind you, it’s only been 2 weeks since Bill and I vetted this idea over a couple of salads at the Copper Door.
As a peace offering, I bring Ken a Nadeau’s Steak and Cheese sub for our meeting. A word to the wise, if you need to make an appointment with an important person, offer them a sub from Nadeau’s, no one in their right mind would say they were too busy to meet with you.
After a few minutes of breaking bread, I share my now ‘somewhat clearer’ vision for what Value of Sport can provide for the kids of Manchester. Being a lifelong Educator and the Principal of McDonough Elementary for the past 20 years, Ken is all ears. More importantly, he’s 100% open, honest and helped me hone my message and delivery for our program. He affirms Bill Krantz’ suggestion of the correct grade to start with (4th), that kids could clearly benefit from goal setting, having a life coach work directly with them and be provided full access to the Arts and Sports program in Manchester to positively shape their life. Further, Ken commits to co-launch the program with me at McDonough just as soon as I was ready. Last and maybe the greatest feedback Ken provides me is, who can say no to me implementing my program and why would they? I learned that the Principals have a tremendous amount of autonomy within their school to run the programs they believe are best for their students, families and their local community. Today there are programs from the Southern New Hampshire University, the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Girls, Inc., City Year, 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Leader in Me all being delivered in some form in the Manchester School System. If I was seen as overlapping or in some way “non-synergistic” with these great programs, mine would fall to the wayside. Well, I am committed to ensuring that does not happen, so I know what I had to do next, off I go to meet with all of the Executives who run these programs.
More Value of Sport to come.