Shorty’s and Bonfire
Later in the day, I meet up with another friend, Joe Dizillo, who’s the proud father of 4 very successful and well-rounded kids who have been active in Sport their whole life. I shared my lunch discussions with Bill Krantz and Joe gave me a ton of feedback (his kids are a generation younger than mine, so he had a different perspective than Bill and I did). Taking it all in, my mind was racing with what can be done for the kids of Manchester. Joe’s says, “have you ever tried the new place on Elm Street called, Bonfire”. I said nope, so off we went to Bonfire.
It was a fun little place which I called ‘un-Manchester’ because they had seats made to look like the lower half of a cowboy or horse, free bacon at Happy Hour, 3 distinct rooms all with separate music playing. More of what you’d see in Dallas, TX. than Manchester, NH.
After about a half an hour, Joe introduces me to Carlo Capano and his wife Brenda. I find out that Carlo is our local Chief of Police and obviously very passionate about the Manchester Community, so I started sharing with him my lunch conversation re: Value of Sport. After about 20 minutes on my soapbox preaching about what I’d like to do in Manchester, he says, “the Manchester Police Department will always take part in any programs that help the kids”. He followed that up with ‘I’m sure I’ll be hearing from you again’. Maybe my 30 years in sales was coming through and he knew I’d take him up on his offer to assist us. I knew that I had a ton of work to do prior to taking him up on his offer to meet.
More Value of Sport to come.