Paula Alexander
McDonough Elementary School
“I am so proud and excited to embark on this amazing adventure with the Value of Sport and the outstanding team of individuals that represent it. We will be working with children and be role models and mentors for them within our community through sports, arts and many other connections to help these children grow into successful leaders. This program is like no other and will help kids that may not have had these opportunities in life experience something new and build on it with support, connections and role models. What an amazing program.”
Brian Watson
Bakersville Elementary School
“Throughout my life sports and physical fitness have played a large role in shaping how I live and what I value. Hard work, dedication, teamwork, perseverance are just a few of the values that sports give us. What I love about sports is that it can be anything from your major sports of football, basketball, baseball, to lesser known sports such as powerlifting, pickleball, cricket, even bike riding! I am extremely excited to be able to bring these opportunities to our students at Bakersville, opportunities otherwise not available. The chance to be a role model and expose students to the principles, characteristics and Value of Sport is a great opportunity to give students what sports gave to me.”